Suffering from a physical injury which limits a person’s mobility is tough. That’s why there is mobility equipment, such as manual and power wheelchairs, to make it easier for a person with a physical disability to get around and maintain some independence. From dining with friends to walking your dog, mobility equipment makes life more enjoyable. If you live in Nassau County and are looking for healthcare and mobility equipment, consider visiting Health Furniture Concepts in North Bellmore, New York.

At Health Furniture Concepts in North Belmore, NY, shoppers will find a wide line of mobility and medical equipment, and healthcare products. Their store includes products such as power mobility equipment, power and manual wheelchairs, lift chairs, and massage chairs. Do you need to try a product before purchasing? If so, stop by Health Furniture Concepts and test their scooters, lift chairs, and power chairs. Warranties, returns and product support are offered if you purchase any of their equipment. In addition, if you need healthcare and mobility equipment for a specified period of time, Health Furniture Concepts offers rental programs for any of their products..

Health Furniture Concepts - Power ScooterHealth Furniture Concepts - Massage ChairHealth Furniture Concepts - Lift ChairHealth Furniture Concepts - Power WheelchairHealth Furniture Concepts - Wheelchair

Image: Health Furniture Concepts website

Source: Health Furniture Concepts website

Health Furniture Concepts
2468 North Jerusalem Rd.
Suite #14
North Bellmore, NY 11710
Tel: 516-409-4500 & 888-829-9888
Fax: 516-706-8822
Email: &
Store Hours: Monday to Friday at 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

If you’re interested in shipping healthcare and mobility equipment, give Navis Pack & Ship in Hempstead, NY a call. For years, our packing and shipping professionals have relied on Navis’ 30 year foundation of carefully transporting items regardless of the shape, size and weight. Need to ship your equipment to another country? No problem. We provide world-wide shipping from the U.S. and Canada. Other customized shipping solutions that Navis Pack & Ship offers are Antiques, Art, Auction Items, Computers, Electronics, Equipment & Machinery, Estate & Trust Distribution, Freight, Furniture, Medical Equipment, Senior Downsizing, and Technology Equipment. Choose Navis Pack & Ship. We get it there with care!

Since 88% of the private companies in the U.S. employ 19 or fewer employees (Source: U.S. SBA), we at Navis believe local businesses are vital to the health of the U.S. economy.  Therefore, Navis Pack & Ship is pleased to feature Health Furniture Concepts in North Bellmore, NY as our Featured Local Neighborhood Business and encourages locals to buy from local businesses.

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