Ahhh…the moment you stare at that fully restored 1965 Ford Mustang and know that your hard work and dedication has paid off to create such beauty. Sound familiar? Antique car restoration can be a very rewarding hobby for those who have the passion, patience and willingness to commit. And if you specialize in this hobby, then you know the importance is in the details.
The first order of business is to choose what type of car to restore. Once that is figured out, you need to decide on how much work you’d like to do. A stripped down frame, exterior, interior, or engine work – those are factors to keep in mind. You no doubt have a few classic car magazines or bookmarked websites that can help with restoration inspiration. After the planning is settled, it is time to start getting the parts together.
Since car restoration is a lengthy and costly project, it is important that each piece is incorporated smoothly. It is also important to choose the best quality materials. This may mean parts from other cities or even other states. Since you are putting in your best efforts, make sure your shipping company is as well. Navis specializes in the packing and shipping of large, fragile, awkward items all over the country. Having pieces arrive safely and undamaged will allow you to have that “Ahhh” moment once the antique car restoration is complete!
Image courtesy of Fenix